Fight Like A Girl Fight For A Girl
Martial Arts program for 8-18 years old to teach women, children and men how to set appropriate boundaries and to defend them when necessary with training in situational awareness and self-defense.
Human trafficking uses fear, manipulation and control to strip the victim of their ability to make choices and feel empowered. Our karate programs build confidence and self-esteem in our students. We teach them to set and achieve goals while respecting themselves and others. We do so in a safe, structured environment where our trained instructors keep them motivated and wanting more. They will also learn self-defense and interpersonal communication skills that will last a lifetime. Our youth get better grades, make more friends, and work towards their black belts. We build confidence and in the process attendees receive information about human trafficking.

Number of Fight Like A Girl, Fight For a Girl Trainings we have held since 2013

We create ways to bring self-defense and empowerment together while providing skills for immediate use.
Even during seasons of recidivism these skills save lives!
Jim O’Hara
Coach/Instructor, Focus Martial Arts & Fitness

Girls empowerment and mentoring 8-16 years
The Brave Pillars
We see you. We are with you. - HOPE & EMPOWERMENT
We believe in you. You can do it. - INCLUSION & MUTUALITY
You matter. You can count on us.
BRAVE intentionally reaches vulnerable girls (foster care/probation/sexual abuse/divorce).
BRAVE sees empowerment as the goal. We want girls to be strong and free.
BRAVE celebrates diversity- all colors, shapes & sizes!
BRAVE connects the community and the local church to work together.
BRAVE believes girls are the solution not the problem.